2025 information is not yet available. For reference, check out the 2024 information below.
All tickets to the Festival are general admission, purchasing an accessible ticket is not necessary.
Upon arrival, please visit the Access Center for information on the accessibility wristband program. Patrons with mobility impairments or Deaf/Hard of Hearing patrons can request an accessibility wristband at the Access Center. This wristband is to show Festival staff that the patron plus one companion is eligible to enter the accessible viewing areas or the Deaf and Hard of Hearing areas. The accessibility wristband is non-transferable.
Note: the wristband does not guarantee a spot in these areas. Please note that both viewing areas have a limited capacity and are available on a first-come, first-served basis. We cannot save or reserve seats or areas on the platform. Once it’s determined that an accessible viewing area is filled to capacity (including adequate aisle space for entering and exiting the area), the area will not be available for additional entry. Signage will be placed at the Festival identifying all viewing areas for patrons with mobility limitations and patrons who are Deaf / Hard of Hearing. Please visit the Access Center for a map of the festival grounds or the map on the official Festival app to see the designated accessible viewing locations.